Sunday, April 1, 2012

Human Shrink Hormone

I haven't posted forever but I have been using the growth hormone for a while now. It has been getting easier to use it every night. I have found a spot where I can hardly even feel it! It is pretty cool that I don't really feel it at all.
Two weeks ago, my Dad decided to measure me so that we can tell if I grow.  I stood against the closet door and he measured me. My mom wanted to measure me again a few weeks later and so Dad got the measuring tape and asked me to stand against the door.  We found that I had shrunk by a whole 1/2 inch. (I didn't have shoes on either time.)  I don't think that's how growth hormone is supposed to work.


  1. I hope this is an April Fools! That is NOT how its supposed to work=)

  2. You have the BEST sense of humor!

    Mrs. Roberts
