Monday, March 5, 2012

A little about me...

I thought I should tell you a little more about myself.  I am an identical twin.  But my twin is about a foot taller then me!  People at school don't believe we are twins, some don't even think we are sisters! People just can't look past the height difference.  When we where born, all the doctors said that we were identical.  It looked like there was just one placenta, we have the same blood type, and had twin to twin infusion. (that is when one twin has more blood. That  only happens in identical twins.  So, everyone thought that we were identical. But... when my twin, Fiona, started to get taller and started to go through puberty without me, we thought thought that we must be fraternal.  As the height gap continued to grow, our doctor said that I might have Mosaic Turner's.  She was right.  Pretty weird that we started out with the same DNA and ended up looking different!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
 I am on the left Fiona is on the right.
I am on the right and Fiona is on the left. ( Dr Who!)

1 comment:

  1. Hey! First of all, you are gorgeous, and I absolutely adore both of your guys' t-shirts. Dr. Who :) Yay!!! And my roommate has the nude cupcake shirt too :)

    Also, I have Turners too. Your brother went to Meridian, so I think our families know each other. I saw the link to your blog on your brothers facebook page. Anyway, way to go for talking about this and everything :) It makes certain things interesting, like the physical traits, but mostly it hasn't been too much of an issue for me. But nobody knows anything about it, or have even heard of it, so yeah, good for you for talking about it :)

    If you're interested, you can check out my blog too.

    Sarah Allen
    (my creative writing blog)
